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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Music Forte - FREE TRIALS

What better way to build your business than to offer free trials?

With music forte, you can do just that!

Use this as a $0 down strategy to start your InVeStworks portfolio TODAY!
Here's how:

  • If you're not already a music forte member, grab your free trial using the link in 'Important links'
  • Now you have 7 days to give away as many FREE trials as you can
  • Upgrade, together with as many of those trial members as you can - get enough and you'll be in profit already, without paying a single dollar!
During the trial period, any members you sign up using your link will build in your network as if you were a fully paid AFFILIATE (Platinum member), thus when you all upgrade, you retain your network. If you choose not to, you hand all those members to your fully-paid sponsor.

Your choice, of course....

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