Here are some Important Points when adding a new program/company to your InVeStworks portfolio:
- For any new companies, you need to ask your sponsor if they are interested in joining it first as they are your original Sponsor. That is honoring our system.
- If they do want to join, they will ask their Sponsor for the link, join and then send you their link.
- If they do NOT want to join at this time, you then go to their Sponsor. You continue on up until you find someone who would like to add it. Go all the way up to Suzanne Kincaid if necessary.
- When you find someone who would like to add it, they will come in first if they are not already in, and then send you their link.
- Then, for any that decide later to add the new company, they will use YOUR link to join in the first available position under you.
- IF you already have 3 people in that company, you will give them a link to someone under you who does not yet have 3. Because.... we each ONLY personally Sponsor 3 people, so we can share with as many people as possible.
Thanks Suzanne for sharing this important information with our team on how to keep the system working and fair for all.
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