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Friday, July 13, 2007

Conference Call Recordings

Here are the 3 recordings that will play one after the other,
from the Tuesday Talkabout call on Getting Started.
There are some gaps in the recording when Jan was bumped off a few times as well as myself one time. It starts a few minutes late into the call and they do not play in order. They play in the reverse order.......
It is still a good call with a lot of good information. :-)))
So stay tuned for the next recording until you hear all 3.
I do apologize that at times I cannot hear people speaking up, so I keep on talking.
If that happens to you when you would like to say something just wait till I ask if anyone has a question or would like to speak. Then you can come in easier and I will be able to hear you more clearly.
Thank You!

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