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Monday, July 30, 2007

Free Success Audio

GREAT Call and opportunity to start your day Empowered!
:-) Suzanne
Starting your day in the right MINDSET is so
important. It really is.

Every Monday-Friday at 7am and 10am EST, you
can join my Greatness Nation Morning
Motivation Calls.

The calls are free, last 15-30 minute and they're run
by myself and my Greatness Nation team. (Some days
I run them, others days my great team does.)

The Dial in number is 1-512-225-3513
Pin 68335#

The Greatness Nation Morning Motivation
call today was excellent and I wanted to share
it with you.

We talked about having a '2010' business mindset,
celebrating yourself and your small victories.

Listen here and if your schedule allows, join
us on our Morning Motivation calls.

Push yourself. Get up a little early.

You can do it. How you start your day is how
you'll end it.

Your Coach,

CTS, Inc
220 East 23rd St.
New York, NY 10010

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