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Thursday, July 12, 2007

How to subscribe to feeds using IE7

This is a special for the techno-challenged among us in the team. To find the instructions in IE 7 (earlier versions can't do this anyway, so if you haven't got IE7, first go get IE7), go

Help -> Contents and Index -> click on Index tab -> type in 'subscribing' as the term -> click 'display' to get the instructions on titled 'To subscribe to a feed'.

For those of you too techno-challenged to get that far, here's the text of the article, but the orignal has graphics to help make it clearer.

To subscribe to a feed

  1. Go to the webpage that has the feed to which you want to subscribe.
  2. Click the Feeds button to discover feeds on the webpage.
  3. Click a feed (if more than one is available). If only one feed is available, you will go directly to that page.
  4. Click the Subscribe to this Feed button, and then click Subscribe to this Feed.
  5. Type a name for the feed and select the folder to create the feed in.
  6. Click Subscribe.

To view your subscribed feeds, click the Favorites Center button, and then click Feeds.

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