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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

FREE Training Call - No Objection Will Ever Stump You Again!

Thursday, August 2nd, at 9:00 PM (ET), Kimberly Anne,
one of the Master Coaches at MLMU
will be conducting
a brand new teleclass exclusively for us.

The class is entitled:
"No Objection Will Ever Stump You Again!"
and is not like anything you've ever heard before.

During this class, Kimberly will teach you:

* how to respond to absolutely every objection thrown at you

* how to overcome objections that come up when talking to
someone about your business

* provide you with things you could have said but did not think
about at the time you were giving your presentation

Kimberly will demonstrate all of this as she works personally
with a volunteer in a LIVE one-on-one coaching session.

Throughout the coaching session, Kimberly will teach
her volunteer (and YOU) how to overcome objections more
easily than you ever thought possible!

Don't wait a minute longer ...

If you're ready to begin selling more products and enrolling
more serious business partners than ever before, mark
your calendar now for Thursday, August 2nd at 9:00 PM (ET).

Please click on this link to register for the call:

Dedicated to your success,

Morganne Rayne

Monday, July 30, 2007

Free Success Audio

GREAT Call and opportunity to start your day Empowered!
:-) Suzanne
Starting your day in the right MINDSET is so
important. It really is.

Every Monday-Friday at 7am and 10am EST, you
can join my Greatness Nation Morning
Motivation Calls.

The calls are free, last 15-30 minute and they're run
by myself and my Greatness Nation team. (Some days
I run them, others days my great team does.)

The Dial in number is 1-512-225-3513
Pin 68335#

The Greatness Nation Morning Motivation
call today was excellent and I wanted to share
it with you.

We talked about having a '2010' business mindset,
celebrating yourself and your small victories.

Listen here and if your schedule allows, join
us on our Morning Motivation calls.

Push yourself. Get up a little early.

You can do it. How you start your day is how
you'll end it.

Your Coach,

CTS, Inc
220 East 23rd St.
New York, NY 10010

IMPORTANT Notations about MPM - cancellations & cross promotions

1) If someone signs up in the wrong place, do not have them cancel that spot. Leave it open so the Team Network can still get paid on that position.

  • Just open another Business Mall with a similar name in the correct Team placement and use that one for your online purchases to support your SAME Team.
  • If you cancel a position, the money earned in that position goes to the company. They give it to charity so it does go to a good cause. Your Team is a good cause too... :-)
  • They do NOT do compression or ever empty out a place. So it is not in the Team's best interest to cancel a "Mall".

2) They are now giving out complete information about those in your network in the genealogy reports.

They have a VERY strict policy to NOT cross promote another opportunity.

It is still a good idea to welcome people when you see new people come into your network, however, do NOT mention InVeStworks or other opportunities.

You can have your signature. Keep it simple and limited, such as:

Suzanne Kincaid (Your name here)
Financial Freedom on $1 a Day!

That way you are NOT cross promoting other opportunities. If they are curious about your signature ad, they will go to the InVeStworks website.

The InVeStworks website very clearly states to NOT use my link to join any companies that they need a sponsoring link and to contact me for that link.

I am VERY careful to find out specifically how they found InVeStworks and connect them to the right people/team/group - YOU.

If by any chance they still use my link, I re-connect them properly when I notice they came in with my link.

Please refer to their policy statement below...This makes sense and it is fair! Otherwise we would ALL be bombarded with thousands of offers. Thank you!

As Ginny says, - Together We Can Change The World!

......While I appreciate people having mulitiple streams of income, communicating another business opportunity with those on your team is NOT acceptable. You are, in essence, undermining the efforts of those who worked to bring them into My Power Mall and you are also SPAMMING. If we receive complaints that you are contacting your team members about another business opportunity, your Power Mall will immediately be cancelled. Your contract says:

Involuntary Termination. Member can be terminated immediately, including the cancellation of their MPM websites, at the sole discretion of MPM for false representation; spamming during marketing practices; abridgement of this Member agreement; Unethical behavior; or infringement of copyright, patent and trademark restrictions applicable to MPM. In the case of termination, any commissions due to that date will be paid in full. This act will only be taken when there is no other resort to handle differences and conflicts.

If we all work together from a place of integrity and wanting to create only Win/Win situations for everyone in My Power Mall, there will be no problems and we will continue to build the most amazing business opportunity and world-changing force on the Internet!

Thank you!
Ginny Dye

Together We Can Change The World, Inc.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Finding Investment Partners

Having trouble finding like-minded individuals? Try this idea from the US InVeStworks team


Saturday Night at the Movies

“The Secret” or Genius Mind”

And Potluck Dinner



Current Recommended Order of Companies Overall:


Top Two – $15 a month: MPM and AW

Key Three - $30 a month: MPM, ALL and MF

Fab Five - $1.50 a Day: MPM, ALL, MF, GW and CF

$2 a Day - MPM, AW, ALL and MF

$3 a day - MPM, AW. ALL, MF, GW, CF, JD

$9 a day - MPM, AW, ALL, MF, GW, CF, JD, HT, WFF, PES and XO

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Alive Worldwide Business Presentation Calls

Business Presentation Call

Every Monday through Friday you can have company leaders
present the Alive Worldwide business to your prospects.

M - F 7:30 PM CST
Saturday 12 noon CST
pin 430 284 973#

Hello folks Scotty Paulson here, here is your weekly ezine a day early.

To your Success,

Scotty Paulson
CEO Alive Worldwide

Need some daily inspiration?

Try subscribing to The New Spirituality Network Daily email Message

Here's a taste of what to expect:

The Message of Nonseparation (Part 3)

Form a collective to do this work. The day of the individual teacher has passed, and the time of the single master is over. It is now time to work together in multiple numbers, remembering that whenever two or more are gathered, there am I.

Copyright © 2004-2006, New Spirituality Network, a service of Humanity's Team

Get anything you want sent from the US!

Q:If you want a product from a US company that won't ship internationally, what do you do?
A: Get a US packing and forwarding comany to do it for you

Access USA will give you a US address unique to you and will receive goods from mulitple companies, pack them all together and forward them on to you, wherever you may be, whenever you ask them to do so.

Please bear in mind using such services does NOT by-pass any import laws or duties or customs regulations of the country you ask them to ship in to - as the recipient, it's YOUR responsibility to be sure the products you are purchasing are permitted to enter your country, and pay any tax or duty necessary when they arrive.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Powerful statements

God intended every individual to succeed. It is God's purpose that man should become great. It is God's will that man should not only use, but enjoy every good in the universe. The Law of God denies man nothing.

Man is born to be rich. The powers inherent in him are
inexhaustible. Each normal person is endowed with a complete set of faculties which, if properly developed and scientifically applied, will ensure success, ever-growing success.

Man is made for progress. Every man contains within himself the capacity for endless development. Advancement into all things is the Law's great purpose. By learning to work with the Law in promoting that aim, man may build himself into greater and greater success.

All the processes of Nature are successful. Nature knows no failures. She never plans anything but success. She aims at results in every form and manner. To succeed in the best and the fullest sense of the term we must, with Nature as our model, copy her methods. In her principles and laws we shall discover all the secrets of success.

Infinite resources are at man's disposal. There are no limits to his possibilities. He focuses and individualizes the elements, forces, and principles of the whole world. He can develop a wonderful intelligence; thus, all life's questions may be answered, all Nature's secrets discovered, and all human problems solved. Nothing is impossible.

Higher faculties, remarkable talents, superior insight, and greater power are dormant in all, and by special psychological methods, these exceptional elements can be developed to an extraordinary degree for actual and practical use.

Every mind can develop greatness. It is simply a matter of knowing how.

True self-help, self-discovery, self-knowledge, and the proper instruction in applying one's faculties and using one's forces will advance any person. Practice will ensure efficiency; use will bring forth results. Success, therefore, is within the reach of every aspiring man.

Do you wish to succeed? You can. You possess all the essentials within yourself; all you need is to gain a right understanding of the principles and laws upon which success is based, and then to apply the right methods of operating these causes until success is earned.

From Working With The Law- Bob Proctor

Thanks for sharing this Dexter!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Reference Guides Parts III onward

These guides have been published via the Yahoo Group. They contain excellent information, but are too lengthy to re-publish in a blog. The team will work on getting them in to one guide available for download on request.

The grand plan - we'll have a document library for you to browse.

However, be patient, that's going to take a while!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Companies, Products and Changes

We have some exciting NEW COMPANIES giving us more options and strengthening our InVeStment group. Remember, our strategy is similar to a mutual fund. If a company is no longer beneficial to the majority of members, or an exceptionally good opportunity comes along that will benefit the majority more, companies may move positions or may be replaced altogether.
(My Power Mall)
now in first position
Such is the case with My Power Mall, Xooma and URI International. MPM has been added and placed into first position because it is SO good and it’s FREE.
will be coming very soon
3 New companies coming soon!
1) Alive Worldwide (AW),
2) Holy Tea (HT) and
3) Peak Energy Science (PES).
has been moved down
Xooma (XO) has been moved down because not enough people have joined it, and because Alive Worldwide (AW) and Holy Tea (HT) have similar yet better compensation plans.
Xooma is still a good opportunity, once you have a larger network. I love the products and the company support. Amazingly too, is that you can earn money with this physical product company without personally sponsoring anyone.
That’s great to get new people going, especially with a 2 wide matrix plan where there is a greater chance of a few falling under you.
However, it also encourages lack of participation. People join and then sit back and hope that there is a leader above them that will spill over with extra and build it for them.
You can make some money with spillover with a big builder above you, but you will never become financially free because it will only build one leg for you. You must build your part of the network with your 3 who commit to bring in 3, continuously, to make a lot of money and keep our powerful network strong.
When you join with the InVeStworks Team, you are committing to do your part and find 3. No pressure with any particular schedule, however, you should be able to find 3 within a year and ideally within 90 days.
Even if it takes you three years to find your 3, there is nothing that can compare to this. And it is only $1 a day!
Stick with it! And you can’t fail because we are ALL committed to helping each other that STAY connected.
When you put forth some sincere efforts as guided below, it will be easy to find partners.
(URI International)
being replaced with PES
URI has been replaced with Peak Energy Science (PES). I love URI, who he is, and his products. Uri has a better quality website, reputation and greater selection of products; however, with the compensation plan changes, it is now too top heavy - favored for the top 3%.
PES has equally superior products with a few simple choices, comparable dedication to whole food nutrition, well qualified, and a much better compensation plan, therefore, it is a much better return on our InVeStment.
Remember, it is better to buy 3 nutritional products from 3 separate companies for diversity, security and a great mix of nutritional coverage, than to buy 3 products from one company that may change their compensation plan to one that is less attractive, sell out or discontinue your best selling product or soon have fierce competition to take away your business/network.
Such is the case with Alive Worldwide (AW) competing and attracting major networkers from other well known high energy healthy juice companies. This is a healthy part of business to create newer better and more affordably priced products. Otherwise economies stay stale and nothing new emerges for a better quality life and opportunity for all.
I bought a VCR when they first came 26 years ago. It was state of the art and cost $1,100 with a few buttons and features – Stop, Play, Record and Open. The next year they were selling for half that price with many more options. A couple of years ago I saw one priced at $40 with even more options. And now they are obsolete with DVD players taking their place.
sharing thoughts
By remaining neutral about the companies, the owners and the products, we keep ourselves open to the very best at the best price and thus even easier to “sell” our amazing financial freedom InVeStment plan.
Everything I say about any company applies to my own as well – and to me. You are NOT dependent on me or any company. YOUR network stays with YOU!
Do a good job of helping your 3 InVeStment partners and they will do a good job of helping their three and you will all stay united for a lifetime of passive residual income.
If something happens to me or to my company, you can carry on with your network and other companies. That is SO powerful!
Changes can be scary for some people. Not to worry. Changes can also be very uplifting. You are still InVeSting with the SAME people – the same network - with the same VeSted interest in helping each other. That’s SECURE-ity!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Alive Worldwide Conference Calls

Alive Worldwide has a weekly conference call schedule which they publish through their email newsletter every week. I won't post the schedules here because for anyone outside the USA, it is costly and frequently difficult to get on the calls. Instead, here's the list of links to this week's updates and new resources and previous calls that have been recorded:-

Team Call Recordings

InVeStworks Reference Guide - Key 3's





in this InVeStworks Guide

3 Things in this Guide

1) Some important changes and recommendations

2) Concrete ideas you can use to build your network and

3) WHY you should InVeSt with us in the same companies.



for InVeSting with the network

3 Reasons why you have a huge advantage to InVeSt with the InVeStworks Team Network:

1) We are committed to helping each other achieve financial freedom with a minimum of time, money and energy.

2) We are committed to only building a network of 3 wide so we can best support and help each other build a sustainable network as fast as possible.

3) We are committed to STAYING together for a lifetime of income and so we don’t ever have to build another network for another company or have to work hard at something we don’t enjoy again.



for using recommended companies

3 Reasons why it is to your advantage to use the same companies InVeStworks recommends:

1) We use low cost programs with high quality universally appealing products and services.

2) With compensation plans with low requirements structured for the best pay out and sustainability.

3) The power we have as an established long, strong united group!

I see many people struggling to find partners, some losing partners, and many ignoring this very simple well defined powerful investment strategy that can truly set you free and all your friends too. Why are you hesitant to share it?



for struggles & disappointments

3 Main Reasons:

1) It is because you are not taking the time to properly use the system. You have to educate yourself so you know what to say to share it with others with confidence and enthusiasm and to use it to the best advantage.

2) You have not yet established a good relationship with your Sponsor and Team Network staying in regular communication and sharing support.

3) You don’t believe it is possible or that you are worthy or perhaps stuck in poverty consciousness. Doing the two steps above will lift you out of that negative state into one of empowerment where you can create a life of joy and passion.



for success

3 Tips for Success:

1) Share your InVeStment plan with everyone. WE have a miracle cure for any ailment – Freedom!

2) Don’t try to explain it - just refer people to the website and conference calls or hand them this reference guide to read.

3) Start small. Commit to InVeSt $1 a day with the Key Three companies: MPM, ALL and MF. Or select from any of the companies offered and discuss it with your Sponsor so together you can create a plan that works for both of you.

Remember, your Sponsor is also working for a team effort with their sponsor who is also doing the same all the way up to me. We are ALL uniting together for a common cause – freedom.

If you don’t use the same companies, you dilute the power of the entire network. Remember, it’s not about the company; it’s about the system of uniting together and staying together with a minimum of requirements for maximum results.

Focus on the InVeStment plan (strategy) more than the company. Our real product we sell is freedom.

To “sell” this system to 3 InVeStment partners (IP’s) you need to have passion! Until you are passionate about the amazing opportunity you have before you, it will be hard to find partners, sustain and grow your network


for not growing

Most common reasons if you are not growing:

1. You don’t see the value in the products.

2. Not seeing a fast enough monetary return.

3. Don’t believe it is possible for you.

4. Concerned about quality of programs.

5. Stuck on a “pyramid scheme”.

Let’s face it. Life is a pyramid scheme and you are at the bottom. The masses pay for the classes. InVeStworks is about empowering ourselves to equalize the monetary system so there is not such a huge disparity between the rich and the poor.

MLM compensation is the same way that actors and musicians are paid wealthy royalties and the best way to distribute wealth. When you buy or sell a product from a MLM company, on the average 7 families share in the profits rather than a corporate structure that is more concerned about serving those at the top of their pyramid structure.

Business operates from a base of fear, greed and competition. InVeStworks works to empower business to operate from a base of love, sharing and cooperation. Conscious Commerce as Humanity’s Team puts it. I love that!

The companies we buy and sell products for (or InVeSt in as I like to phrase it) are owned by competent sincere people who put a lot of time, energy and money into offering a business opportunity for those who choose to use it.

They sell quality products for a good value price and universal appeal. They must continue to sell their products to stay in business. And they are doing so successfully.

All the companies have proper licensing required for the jurisdictions that govern them. Most have been in business for more than 3 years. You can’t stay in business that long without doing a good job. 90% of new businesses fail the very first year!

Whatever your concerns are, we have some solutions for you......

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Scary Statistics - Why women need to invest

I've read a few books by Robert Kiyosaki (his first was 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad). I've played Cashflow 101. Then surfing my local library catalogue I discovered his wife has also published a book (or two). Her first is called Rich Women and it contains some scary statistics for us women. Tonight I found she has her very own website and one article posted there contains those statistics.

So I quote:-
  • 47% of women over 50 are single
  • Women’s retirement income will be lessened because on average a woman is away from the work force 14.7 years as compared to 1.6 years for men. (Women are typically the primary caretaker of the home.)
  • 50% of marriages end in divorce. Of course, the #1 thing couples fight about is…money. And in most cases the woman ends up with the kids. (So now she is solely financially responsible for herself and her children.)
  • In the first year after a divorce, a woman’s standard of living drops 73%.
  • 80% of widows now living in poverty were not poor before the death of their husband.
  • Approximately 7 out of 10 women will, at some time, live in poverty.

I don’t show you these statistics to scare you, but to say it’s time we, as women, prepare for our financial well-being. We can no longer afford to be financially illiterate. The price is simply too great.

The full article 5 Reasons Why Women Need to Invest used to be available on Kim Kiyosaki's website, but appears to have been taken down. If you wish to read more, I strongly suggest you get her book, Rich Woman.

Kim, thank you for your work in financial education.

Shift our consciousness and change the world!

Consciousness of Insufficiency

The human consciousness of insufficiency — "not enoughness" — is the root cause of all worry, all pressure, all competition, all jealousy, all anger, all conflict, and, ultimately, all killing on your planet.

This, plus the human insistence on believing in the separation, rather than the unity, of all things, is what has created 90 percent of the misery in your lives, the sadness in your history, and the impotence of your previous efforts to make things better for everyone.

If you would change these two elements of your consciousness, everything would shift.

Conversations With God, Book 3
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 312

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Music Forte - FREE TRIALS

What better way to build your business than to offer free trials?

With music forte, you can do just that!

Use this as a $0 down strategy to start your InVeStworks portfolio TODAY!
Here's how:

  • If you're not already a music forte member, grab your free trial using the link in 'Important links'
  • Now you have 7 days to give away as many FREE trials as you can
  • Upgrade, together with as many of those trial members as you can - get enough and you'll be in profit already, without paying a single dollar!
During the trial period, any members you sign up using your link will build in your network as if you were a fully paid AFFILIATE (Platinum member), thus when you all upgrade, you retain your network. If you choose not to, you hand all those members to your fully-paid sponsor.

Your choice, of course....

Friday, July 20, 2007

Keeping in touch

Here's a way of staying in touch with your team. It's
  • quick
  • easy
  • FREE
Use Skype - free VoIP software that doubles as an instant messenger and file transfer program. It allows you to communicate with all three of your investment partners in one go, instantly, no repeating yourself.

  • Open a chat window in skype
  • Add your three investment partners to the chat
  • Don't ever press 'leave', just close the window when you don't need to see it and it'll pop right back up the next time anyone in the team posts a message.
  • If you closed the window and you want to post a message to your team, just look in the history tab for your team chat and open it from there
  • Get your three partners to do the same with their investment partners
If we replicate this right through our team (rather than having one chat window with EVERYONE in it) we stick to the principles of the InVeStworks system where each person takes responsibility for communicating with only 4 other people - their sponsor + their three investment partners. It keeps the chats small, personal and manageable.

Anything that should be published InVeStworks-wide will come through Suzanne's Yahoo!group (see link in 'important links) and very likely be re-posted here. Anything needing to be published team-wide will be published here. You should also hear from your sponsor who will ask 'have you heard....? did you see the post about...?'

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Welcome to the team!

I'd like to extend a big


To Jacque and Karen, our newest team members. Our team seems to be enjoying an acceleration phase right now, so

Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

The learning curve may be steep for some, but the view from the top is awesome!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Head down, Bum up!

Short post because the title says it all. The leaders of this team have our heads down and bums up checking out some new companies to add to the portfolio. If you're subscribed to Suzanne's Yahoo! Group, you've probably been getting some slightly bewildering posts about them. Don't worry, all will become clear (to us, as well as you) in time.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Starting From Broke?

How can I Invest when I have nothing to Invest?

My Power Mall may well be for you - it's free. Here's a link to their training on how to build your business regardless of how little money you have to start (and they include people who literally have NOTHING, $0 cashflow, zip, bankrupt, etc).

If you are interested in joining My Power Mall, please use the link under 'Important Links' to be placed properly in our team in accordance to the InVeStworks system.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Conference Call Recordings

Here are the 3 recordings that will play one after the other,
from the Tuesday Talkabout call on Getting Started.
There are some gaps in the recording when Jan was bumped off a few times as well as myself one time. It starts a few minutes late into the call and they do not play in order. They play in the reverse order.......
It is still a good call with a lot of good information. :-)))
So stay tuned for the next recording until you hear all 3.
I do apologize that at times I cannot hear people speaking up, so I keep on talking.
If that happens to you when you would like to say something just wait till I ask if anyone has a question or would like to speak. Then you can come in easier and I will be able to hear you more clearly.
Thank You!

Important points when adding programs to your InVeStworks portfolio

Here are some Important Points when adding a new program/company to your InVeStworks portfolio:
  • For any new companies, you need to ask your sponsor if they are interested in joining it first as they are your original Sponsor. That is honoring our system.
  • If they do want to join, they will ask their Sponsor for the link, join and then send you their link.
  • If they do NOT want to join at this time, you then go to their Sponsor. You continue on up until you find someone who would like to add it. Go all the way up to Suzanne Kincaid if necessary.
  • When you find someone who would like to add it, they will come in first if they are not already in, and then send you their link.
  • Then, for any that decide later to add the new company, they will use YOUR link to join in the first available position under you.
  • IF you already have 3 people in that company, you will give them a link to someone under you who does not yet have 3. Because.... we each ONLY personally Sponsor 3 people, so we can share with as many people as possible.
So, if you come across a great company that you think fits the criteria to be in your InVeStworks portfolio, follow the above route to honour the system and benefit the maximum number of people.

Thanks Suzanne for sharing this important information with our team on how to keep the system working and fair for all.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

How to subscribe to feeds using IE7

This is a special for the techno-challenged among us in the team. To find the instructions in IE 7 (earlier versions can't do this anyway, so if you haven't got IE7, first go get IE7), go

Help -> Contents and Index -> click on Index tab -> type in 'subscribing' as the term -> click 'display' to get the instructions on titled 'To subscribe to a feed'.

For those of you too techno-challenged to get that far, here's the text of the article, but the orignal has graphics to help make it clearer.

To subscribe to a feed

  1. Go to the webpage that has the feed to which you want to subscribe.
  2. Click the Feeds button to discover feeds on the webpage.
  3. Click a feed (if more than one is available). If only one feed is available, you will go directly to that page.
  4. Click the Subscribe to this Feed button, and then click Subscribe to this Feed.
  5. Type a name for the feed and select the folder to create the feed in.
  6. Click Subscribe.

To view your subscribed feeds, click the Favorites Center button, and then click Feeds.

NEW Reference Guide! - Print & Save

Suzanne has published a new reference guide on the main InVeStworks site, however our humble leader has reviewed these documents and suggests they need some editing. I quote:
"Hi Investment partners, Suzanne has added a guide that will confuse everyone that is not American. Besides all the garish colours a lot of words need to be Australianised and Companies to be dropped ... for obvious reasons"
So in due course, these guides will be passed along to you in their new Australianised version. In the meantime, if you're just too impatient to wait go grab the originals from the InVeStworks homepage (click on the InVeStworks Homepage link in 'Important Links' list).

Welcome to our new home on the net

This blog will contain all manner of updates for those who are or wish to be part of the InVeStworks Oz team. We'll keep you posted with updates from Suzanne Kincaid, the wonderful woman who invented the InVeStworks model system, and give you any team-specific information and announcements.