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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Strategy to build the strongest and fastest possible network

In order to build the strongest and fastest possible network, it is imperative that we all adopt the strategies that are designed to ensure maximum benefit to maximum people in minimum time. It only makes sense to do so.

Therefore, before joining any new position, please be sure you have the correct sponsor’s link to join with. Most times if you are a new Money Buddy, it will be that of the person directly introducing you, but there are times when it will not.

For example, if your introducing Money Buddy already has their own 3 Money Buddies, who in turn are already self-funding, you will need to be placed strategically for the strength of the group. Also, when you decide to take an additional position in a matrix, then it is imperative that you check with me for the best placement. I can guarantee it will not be with your original sponsor.

We are developing some excellent and unique lead attracting techniques that will be directly supporting the network as a whole, over and above the day to day efforts of the existing Money Buddies.

Once you have joined Music Forte, your next step in your ongoing business plan is to lay the foundations for our future growth, which will extend well beyond Music Forte and Abundant Living Legacy.

You do this by joining all the Money Buddy System “Foundation” memberships that are free to join and will lay a foundation for your business, as they will support any enterprise that you engage in, in the future. Meanwhile, they will gradually start bringing in small trickles of additional income with absolutely no effort on your part. Your sponsor will assist you with this.

If there is anyone that you are thinking about introducing to the business, do it now to secure the best possible position within the matrix (first in, first in profit!) as this marketing campaign will only be increasingly successful.

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