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Friday, October 19, 2007

So... What do you do?

You just met someone and are going through the usual pleasantries, and this one just came up:

"So...What do you do?"

Here's a suggestion on how to answer:
"I offer people a proven successful system of creating financial freedom on $1 a day.
In fact there has been a book written about it and I know the author. Here’s my card. Take a look at the website when you get a chance and let me know what you think.
I would love to have you in my InVeStment Team!"

(Now, drop the subject and move on).

If they ask questions show enthusiasm and let them know YOU know the author! Tell them to join the next call or listen to a recorded call for more information. If they’re interested to contact you and you will help get them properly linked into our powerful wealth building system.

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