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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pay Day! Yipppeeee!!!!!

The 15th of the month is Music Forte's Pay Day, so those of you who were over the $15 commission pay out threshold should have received emails from Solid Trust Pay telling you your paycheck has arrived.

However, some (like me) may be wondering how the amount gets calculated. I looked in my back office a few days ago and saw $38 outstanding - yeeehhaaa! (yeah, ok, not much... Yet, but it's growing suprisingly quickly!) I was only paid $24 - What the??? So I asked Greg at Music Forte.

Here's what you need to know to understand:
1) Commissions earned this month are shown in your back office, but won't be paid until next month. So commissions I earned in October won't be paid until November 15th.
2) There's a $2 service fee.

So, if you're trying to work out what you'll be paid, the sum looks like this:-

Pay cheque = Amount shown in MF back office - $2 service fee - Amount earned from 1st of current month to 15th of current month.

Amount in back office = $38
Service fee = $2
Amount earned in Oct before 15th = $12

Pay cheque for Oct = $38-$2-$12= $24

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