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Friday, August 31, 2007

Help our team help a little boy with Autism

Hi team,

Yesterday, my 5 year old son with special needs was expelled from a private preschool/daycare centre for the behavioural problems associated with his special needs (autism). Our whole family is devastated. My little boy understands what has happened, but not why, so he is suffering massive pain from emotional rejection and is terrified his family is going to reject him next.

Why tell you? Two reasons:
a) this has exponentially multiplied my drive to achieve financial freedom so I NEVER have to place this child back in a system that just doesn't work for him or the rest of our family.

b) to ask for your support in achieving this goal as rapidly as possible - this child is supposed to start school next year and I do not wish to send him. I desire to hire a teacher and 'home school'. We have a deadline - January. I believe we can do it - TOGETHER.

Doing it all together means we will ALL achieve the freedom we seek for whatever reason we seek it and we will achieve it so much faster.

If you are new here and would like to know what you can do to help this little boy, the simple answer is help him by joining our team and helping yourself towards financial freedom. To do this, Contact Us and we will give you the link to join our first suggested company. You will then be given a sponsor committed to working with you personally to help build your own team.

Here's to our financial freedom!

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