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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Book: "Financial Freedom on $1 a day"

If you'd like to learn to create you own Financial Freedom on $1 a Day, this team has hard copies of Suzanne Kincaid's book by that title purchased through Amazon it can loan out. If you'd like your own copy for a tiny investment of US$24.97, use the link on the right to buy direct from Amazon.

Also, all the information you need to start using The InVeStworks Model System is available for FREE and will remain so. The latest copies of everything you need are available from the main InVeStworks website (link on the right).

Just use the 'contact us' link in the menu and we'll answer your questions, send you any information you would like and if and when you are ready to begin, we will find a real person in our team to help and support you.

1 comment:

Suzanne Kincaid said...

Hi Everyone,

This is Suzanne Kincaid, author of the book, Financial Freedom on $1 a Day!

Yes, no need to panic... There are far more important things in life that require "worry"... :-))

Everything any one needs to use this system successfully is at the InVeStworks website - All for FREE!

You do not need to read the book. The information at the website is updated information.

The Introduction Letter gives a summary of the book and visual guides.

The Getting Started Guide & Log Sheets tells you what to do step by step.

Get copies from your Sponsor for the proper links to use.

Download updated copies at the website.

Reading the book gives a greater clarity into the beauty, power and vision, and is an excellent marketing tool to help you build your Team Network faster.

All you need to do is show the book to add value and credibility to your awesome affordable InVeStment plan to financial freedom.

Very affordable education too for $24.97. Amazon has used copies at a lesser price (usually without the jacket cover) and you can ask your library to carry a copy until you can afford to buy a copy if you choose.

Buying a new copy of the book helps to support the Universal Peace & Prosperity Foundation set up to ccomplish the goals to EMPOWER people to:

* Simplify life,
* Live honorably
* Fulfill their personal mission
* Restructure a fair tax system
* Equalize the monetary system
* Eliminate corporate and governmental misuse of funds, and
*Purchase in ecological and humanitarian balance with the planet.

Excellent Leadership and Support calls at the InVeStworks website to help you too - ALL for FREE!

Here is a good overview call to get you started:

Leanne Cane who owns this site and her close friends, Karen Adams and Monique Hudson, work closely with me so YOU will be in good hands by connecting with them here.

Create Miracles & Magic in 2008!

Many Blessings, :-)

Suzanne Kincaid

Financial Freedom on $1 a Day

Listen to the audio:

Suzanne is available for Radio and Television Talk Shows,
media interviews, and as a Guest Speaker at your events.

Phone: 253-661-7614
